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Case Study  - Devoran Village Hall 

Devoran Village Hall was originally constructed by the Redruth and Chasewater Railway Company as a workshop to support their new steam railway.


The 2002 ‘Cornwall Industrial Settlements Initiative’ report for the Village suggests a date of 1854 when it was built, presumably because this is the documented date of the conversion of the railway from horse- drawn to steam power.


The chairman originally contacted us due to the poor acoustics in both the small and large hall. The reverberation is mainly due to the halls wooden ceiling and floor, causing a large amount of echo in both of the areas. 


Below shows you what has been carried out in the smaller of the hall, including a before and after video which enables you to hear the amazing difference our treatment has made to the are. 


The village hall is now in the process of sourcing the funding for the larger hall which we hare hoping to carried-out by the end of 2023. 

Smaller Hall 

Please hover over the top of each video to play them individually,  ensuring the speaker icon is on. This will enable you to hear the difference that our treatment can make!

Before treatment was carried-out in the smaller hall...

After treatment was carried-out in the small hall...

Photo 30-01-2023, 15 57 50.jpg
Photo 30-01-2023, 15 57 04.jpg

Larger Hall 

Photo 20-10-2023, 14 06 10.jpg
Photo 20-10-2023, 14 05 31.jpg
Photo 20-10-2023, 14 08 46.jpg
Photo 20-10-2023, 14 11 12.jpg
   The Keep, Creech Castle, Bathpool, TA1 2DX
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