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Case Study  - Undy Primary School 2021 Project  

Undy Primary School originally contacted us with regards to a small classroom through a Teacher of the deaf who recommended us. 


The main teacher who uses the space is hard of hearing along with one of their students, both were finding the room impossible to use. 


We have now installed 12 limpet cloud absorbers on to the ceiling which has reduced the reverberation issue massively. The staff at the school are so impressed with the difference in sound that the clouds have made we have now quoted to treat their main hall. 

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Photo 01-10-2021, 12 05 30.jpg
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Photo 01-10-2021, 10 57 48.jpg
Photo 01-10-2021, 12 08 19.jpg
   The Keep, Creech Castle, Bathpool, TA1 2DX
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