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Product Guides and User Manuals 

If you have any questions regarding the operation or set up of any of these products please  don't hesitate to contact us.  

Quick user guides:

Whiteboard Connection Image .jpg

NEW: Connecting an FM system to the classroom   Whiteboard.

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NEW: Connecting an FM and Juno system to the classroom white board 


NEW: Redcat (Infrared older model) user guide 


NEW: Redcat (Access newer model) user guide 

NEW: Pro-Digital main user guide 

NEW: Juno main user guide 

Rebroadcasting Frontrow JUNO to Roger Touch

Rebroadcasting Frontrow PRODIG to Roger Touch

Rebroadcasting Frontrow JUNO to Roger Pen

Rebroadcasting Frontrow JUNO to Roger Inspiro


Phonak Roger Touch and Mylink neckloop receiver.

Phonak Roger Touch and ear level receiver.

Like to find out some more information about these products ? Please click on the below button ...

   The Keep, Creech Castle, Bathpool, TA1 2DX
Website: | Email: | 01823765133
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